Health News

Corset Training Does Not Remove Fat Cells, Doctor Says

Corset Training Myths

Dr. Andrew Miller, a plastic surgeon of Associates in Plastic Surgery in New York and New Jersey, was quoted by CNN as having said, “Corset training in and of itself does not remove fat cells,” according to a report on NBC Montana.

Corset training in and of itself does not remove fat cells

So while Jessica Alba reported wearing a double corset around the clock for several months in an attempt to shed that baby fat, a professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine, Dr. Caroline Apovian, suggests people simply “wear Spanx” instead because there aren’t any scientific studies which suggest corset training helps with weight loss.

Dr. Apovian, who is also the spokesperson for the Obesity Society, indicated that there is “no reason” to believe corsets will change the body’s shape, as the body will simply return to its normal shape once the corset has been removed.

Apovian also claims that one will actually vomit as a result of eating too much with a corset on.

If you keep it on and you eat too much, you’re going to throw up

While the medieval-style clothing isn’t going to alter the shape of anyone’s body, Dr. Miller claims a corset could prevent the stomach from expanding when eating, which after a couple of weeks, could actually lead to weight loss.

Heartburn is yet another concern, according to assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan, Dr. Amy Elizabeth Rothberg, who was quoted by CNN in a report on NBC Houston as having said that such intense “compression of the abdomen can result in elevation of the diaphragm and pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, creating an environment conducive to reflux,” or simply put: induce heartburn. She added that people with fat in their midsection are already at increased risk of heartburn due to the additional pressure on their abdomen.

Extreme compression of the abdomen can result in elevation of the diaphragm and pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, creating an environment conducive to reflux

In other weight loss coverage here at Immortal News, a study’s preliminary findings suggest as little as 30-minutes of lost sleep could lead to weight gain and an unrelated study found Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig to be the only diet programs out of the 11 analyzed to show positive results when it came to losing weight.

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