Health News

Lawsuit Leveled At Tanning Salons Over Misleading Advertising

Accordin to the NY Post the state’s attorney general is suing the tanning salon chain Portofino Sun Center for deceptive advertising over claims that customers can skip the milk and get a healthy dose of vitamin D with just 20 minutes in one of their tanning beds.

In a recent statement, picked up by the NY Post, Schneiderman the state’s attorney general saying “Make no mistake about it.”

Make no mistake about it: There is nothing safe about indoor tanning (…) The use of ultra-violet devices increases exposure to cancer-causing radiation and puts millions of Americans in serious danger — young adults, in particular.

Schneiderman  also noted that in 2009, the World Health Organization placed tanning beds in the highest cancer risk category, the same as tobacco, and last year the U.S. Surgeon General called for a reduction in UV tanning in a report about the rise in skin cancer.

The reason for the false advertising suit that the state leveled against the tanning salon is because they boast that, among other benefits, tanning is like “drinking 100 glasses of milk”

During a typical tanning session your body naturally creates as much vitamin D as you would get from drinking 100 glasses of milk or eating 25 servings of salmon.

Portofino, another tanning salon mentioned in the suit, claims there is “no clear direct experimental evidence.” that tanning causes melanoma.

There actually is no clear direct experimental evidence showing a causative mechanism between tanning and melanoma. Conflicting data exist questioning the UV-melanoma relationship

The AG has also put two more tanning salons — Planet Fitness and Beach Bums — on notice that they’re about to be sued.

In other cancer related news, Breast Cancer Cases To Rise 50 Percent By 2030

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