Health News

Dog Almost Died Due To Hair Dye

A dog almost died after its fur was colored using hair dye meant for humans, an animal shelter in Florida said, serving as a warning for owners who dye their pets or who intend to do so.

The dog, a Maltese mix named Violet, was discovered with most of her fur dyed purple, according to the Pinellas County Animal Services (PCAS). The dog’s condition was life-threatening: her eyes were swollen shut, she had serious burns on her skin and appeared to be “limp and restless,” said a Facebook post the shelter shared.

Staff members treated Violet with fluids and pain medication, and rinsed the dye off her fur as much as they could. The following day, Violet was given anesthesia so that her fur could be shaved off. After shaving, the staff realized that the dog’s skin was sloughing off, Live Science reports.

The post said,

It was so much worse than we initially thought.

There are toxic chemicals in human hair dyes, so they should never be used on pets, PCAS said. These chemicals, such as hydrogen peroxide and bleach, can cause burns, among numerous other injuries. If the substance gets into an animal’s eyes, it can even cause blindness. And since dogs and cats instinctively lick themselves, the dyed fur will be ingested, causing internal burns and poisoning.

The shelter said, “Only use products specifically meant for pets, or you could be putting your pet’s life on the line.”

It took three months of treatment, including antibiotics, IV fluids, scab removal and bandage changes and honey therapies, before Violet began showing signs of improvement. She began walking and barking again, but the staff were worried that the dog would experience complications, like permanent blindness or infections.

She has now recovered and has new owners who specialize in grooming and beautifying pets, PCAS concluded.

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